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The Sound of Opera

Exciting News!
My new album will be released on 21 March 2025 on Spotify, iTunes, and other streaming platforms. It will include 12 new tracks which will also be available for licensing from that date onward.

Welcome to The Sound of Opera

On this site you can listen to my backing tracks to opera music. That is, the orchestral music without vocals. The tracks are provided as karaoke videos, which you can access from the menus on the left. The complete tracks from Carmen and La Traviata are available and I'm currently adding highlights from various other operas as well.

You can use my tracks for your own enjoyment and small private performances. You can also use my tracks for public performances against payment of a small annual fee starting from €6. For educational purposes the fees may be waived. Other licensing possibilities such as covers, TV or film productions are available as well. Check out the menus on the left for more information.

I hope you enjoy my videos just as much as I enjoy making them. If you like my videos, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and give them thumbs up.

The latest video